Schematics and Manuals

Why pay high prices for photocopies or scans of manuals on eBay or elsewhere on the web? Get 'em here for free!  Most of the manuals here are probably of as high a quality as you'll find anywhere, if not better.  The images are mostly 300dpi, suitable for printing

Some of the links below are PDF files, some are Zip files containing JPG files.  For viewing JPGs, I recommend Irfanview, which is available for free at  For a good Zip program, I use Iceows, but any Zip program should do.  For the PDFs, of course, you'll need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

The Hohner Bass-2, Symphonic 65 and 707 manuals were courtesy of Martin Drazek.  I don't recall where I got the others from:

Hohner Bass
Hohner Bass-2
Hohner Bass-3
Hohner Symphonic 30N
Hohner Symphonic 65

Hohner Symphonic 707

Yamaha YC-25D Supplementary Service Manual  Created by Nick Standing of JabunAudio (Thanks, Nick!).  intended for use with the YC-45D Service Manual (available below)
Yamaha YC-45D Service Manual Some unknown person posted this.

Doric Assortment Schematics, User Manual, Service Tips, Features 2MB Zip file (I do not recall who sent me this, but thanks anyway)
Swinging Sound of the Doric A great book, with features pages for the 61TT and the 65PS, songs, and several pictures of a cool combo featuring the Doric 4MB Zip (Again, thanks to whom, I don't recall)

Howard Combo Just the schematic 367KB jpg (Thanks, Lynn!)

Ace Tone TOP-7 Owners Manual Includes schematics and board layout diagrams 7.4MB PDF (Thanks to David Robertson)

Gibson G201 Service Manual 6.8MB
Gibson G101 Service Manual
(Gibson still provides photocopies of these manuals for free.   Many thanks to the GIbson Guitar Corp for doing this, and for permission to publish them here) 
Gibson G101 Owners Manual 6MB PDF

Lowrey T2 Service Manual 16.8MB
Lowrey T1 Service Manual
     (Thanks to Doug Moore and the Lowrey Organ Co. for permission to publish these)

Note: If you have either the Gibson G201 or the Lowrey T2, get both manuals.  While the circuitry is nearly identical, and all the schematics are contained in each, there are several good diagrams that are unique to each manual.  Plus, the schematic styles are different, and you may find one easier to follow than the other. 

Parts cross-reference for Lowrey/Gibson.  The Lowery and Gibson service manuals use Lowrey part numbers, which are non-standard.  The Internet Wayback machine has a copy of the old site, which has a Lowrey parts cross-reference.  Just find the part number in the service manual, look in the proper area of the parts site, then search for that number.  Example, transistor P-8393 is in the "ICs/Transistor" section, and cross-references to the more standard 2N924.

Rheem Mark VII Combo Organ (Thanks to Doug Moore)
The circuit titled "N200-4-A" is actually three circuits - the Vibrato (which is duplicated on the Overall Schematic), the low-C bass divider, and the shared bass divider for the lowest octave. 12MB

Rheem Kee Bass (Thanks to Doug Moore) 1.0MB

Vox Continental, model V301H (US-made) (Thanks to Greg Soldano) 227KB

Vox Continental Owners Manual (Thomas) (Thanks to Alan Lenhoff) 1.5MB

Vox Continental Owners Manual (JMI) (Not sure where I got this one, appears to be dated 2/63) 241KB

Vox Guitar Organ V251 (Yes,  a complete set of schematics for this puppy!) ZIP file 4.6MBKB

Kustom Kombo (Thanks to Matt Farrow) 313KB

Fender Contempo (Thanks to Fender Musical Instruments Corp. for allowing me to publish this)
 You might have trouble printing it, unless you cut it up into 8-1/2" x 11" pieces. 463KB

GEM Mini 242KB

Farfisa Compact (Adobe Acrobat Reader required) This is for the basic Compact, not the Deluxe or Duo, although about 80% of the circuitry is the same. (Thanks to Matty for scanning these) 3.8MB

Farfisa Compact Extras These are a few extras that aren't included in the PDF - they're not as high a quality, though.  The Power Supply/Preamp/Reverb schematic is somewhat different from the one included in the PDF. 577KB

Farfisa Compact Duo Owners Manual  No schematics, but lots of nice diagrams, including the F/AR and T60 Amp, and instructions for several adjustments.  PDF  1.7MB

Farfisa VIP-345 (Acrobat Reader required)  (Thanks to Frank T.) 1.4MB

Farfisa VIP-600 (Thanks to Max Brink of Chicago Electric Piano)

Magnus 3D Owners Manual  This one's a hoot to read.  From the glowing terms and colorful descriptions, you'd think this thing was a B3, Rhodes and Vox Continental all rolled into one! (many thanks to Mark for supplying this one) 30MB (a BIG one - get ready for a looong download!)

Vox Continental 300  This excellent set of schematics is provided by Norman Dickinson.  Norman re-drew most of these in CAD, using the original Thomas/EME schematics.  Several of them he "reverse-engineered", re-creating the schematic from the actual circuit.  This is probably the best and most extensive set of Vox schemtics you'll find anywhere.  The only circuits missing from the set are the Vibrato and the voice filters. 730KB

Teisco schematics:  These are kind of hard to come by, because as far as I know they only ever appeared glued to the inside lid of the organs.

Teischord C  This is the basic version 397KB (I don't recall who sent this one in, but thanks!)
Teischord C1 This is the version with the bass octave and 4-way bass-selector switch.   1.6MB (Thanks to Lasse for sending this one!)
Teischord D  Sorry, but it's just a photo of the schematic, but it's pretty good, and quite readable if you zoom in 187KB (Again, thanks to whomever sent this in!)

Whitehall Grand Prix. This is a REALLY good copy of a Grand Prix schematic.  Probably also usable for the Duo.  The Duo below isn't of as good a quality as this one.  Thanks very much to Ramiro Verdooren for finding this one

Whitehall Grand Prix Duo.  Two sets here.  The single .jpg is the entire schematic, and the PNG files are half each, but much clearer.  6.6MB