Notice to eBayers: Recently there has been a rash of Magnus chord organs listed on eBay and described as sounding "like Mellotron, Farfisa". I'm posting this in the hopes that interested parties searching for more information might stumble onto this page. For the record, a Magnus chord organ will sound like a Mellotron - IF that Mellotron is playing tapes made of a reed organ or accordion (I've heard that there was a set of accordion tapes available!) And the Magnus will sound like a Farfisa - IF you mean the Farfisa Pianorgan, which is also a reed/chord organ like the Magnus. IF, however, you're thinking of the classic Mellotron sounds used by bands such as the Moody Blues, or Farfisa sounds used by bands such as Pink Floyd or "? & the Mysterians", then NO, the Magnus will NOT sound even remotely like either of these fine instruments. The Magnus chord organ is a cheap, plastic, toy instrument, worth about $15. It makes sounds by blowing air over reeds, like an accordion or an old pump organ. For a *sort of * tongue-in-cheek look at this phenomenon, click here to visit the "Fun-Key" section of the latest Vintage Keys Magazine. I hope this saves someone some time, aggravation and money. Now, back to our coverage of REAL combo organs:
The Magnus and Estey names are synonymous with those terrible, wheezy chord organs that absolutely everyone owned during the 60’s and 70’s. I never thought I’d see the day when either name, let alone both, would be featured here among all of the “real” combo organs. But believe it or not, both companies sold at least one honest-to-goodness combo organ.
Unlike it's lowly chord organ sibling, the Magnus 3D CAN do a passable impression of a Farfisa, but it does NOT sound like a Mellotron.
Knobs: Vibrato Speed, Power/Vibrato Depth, Bass Balance
Tabs: Full Organ, Oboe, Strings, Flute, Violin
I recently bought some legs for the little guy, and painted them red, just to see how it would look. Then I hauled it out on a nice day and took several pictures:
Estey Model 101
Tabs: Bass, Chords, Surf, Latin, Jazz, R&B, Folk, Blues
Chords: Volume, Tone
Bass: Low, High, Accent
Vibrato: Speed